Gospel Baptist ChurchGospel Baptist Church

Join Us for Services!

Sunday Worship: 10:50am
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Evening 7:00pm
Wednesday 6:45pm
Awana -
Wednesday 6:30pm

Sunday School Ministry

GBC has Sunday morning classes for all ages. Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m.

2's & 3's
Pre-Primaries 4-6
Primary 7-9
Juniors 10-12
Teens 13-17
Adults 18-50
Senior Adults 50+

Come join us for a study in the Word of God. Each class is taught by qualified adult leaders, including our Pastor who leads the Teen class.












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Gospel Baptist Church
1300 Turner Road
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone: 804-276-1209
Pastor: Jeff Smith