Gospel Baptist ChurchGospel Baptist Church

Join Us for Services!

Sunday Worship: 10:50am
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Evening 6:00pm
Wednesday 6:45pm
Awana -
Wednesday 6:30pm

                      Welcome to Gospel Baptist Church!


We live in difficult financial times.  Our nation's political leaders and business leaders are all concerned about the financial difficulties that presently face our country.  We wonder what policies and laws will help businesses to expand and ultimately make more profit.  We debate what legitimate role the government should have, if any, in helping the country as a whole.  People are really interested in making and keeping  a profit.

Consider the words of the Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in Mark 8:36, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Financial profits, though important, are not as important as the condition of the soul.  As Christians, we should focus on profiting spiritually, helping our brothers and sisters in Christ and sharing the good news of the Gospel.  Ultimately we take nothing with us when we leave.  It is important for us to trust Christ as Savior and by faith grow in Him.  While we are concerned about our personal finances and our national finances, we should also be concerned about our spiritual growth!


                                                     Pastor Jeff Smith







Gospel Baptist Church
1300 Turner Road
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone: 804-276-1209
Pastor: Jeff Smith